Page name: Nami, and the Seven Knights Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-14 20:04:09
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Nami, and the Seven Knights

Nami is being held prisoner in Jin's castle, he plans to kill her the moment she signs her late husbands kingdom over to him, he has not yet told her her husband is dead, but plans to do so soon.
The four remaining knights sent to rescue Nami are just outside the palace, trying to figure out how to rescue her before she signs over the kingdom
We are jumping ahead a few months now. Nami has been rescued, and has also found out that her unborn children are not her husbands, but are Jin's. They have not made it back to Nami's palace yet, due to the fact that things keep happening, either Jin catches up to them, and they have to hide, for Nami's safety, or Jin has sent someone after them to slow them down.


Raidon went off to go face Jin alone. Raidon died in the fight, and some believe Jin is dead as well, but he really isn't. Nami doesn't believe Jin is dead because his body was never found. About a month after she buried her husband, she found out that she was pregnant again, and soon gave birth to Vera, the daughter of Raidon, and the true heir to his throne. The kindom of Nightfell is still on guard, waiting for Jin's attack.
3 years later Vera, Amallia and Azhemin are three years old, and are currently learning to control their abilities. Nami has given each of the Knights that helped her and her children get to the castle safely their own land in the kingdom, and also lead their own groups of knights on patrols, looking for signs of Jin, or his wife, or his followers.
Nami has also allowed Morganis to stay in the castle, It took Nami almost a year to move on after the death of Raidon, the pain of losing him a second time proved to be more than she could handle for a long time. Morganis helped her the whole way. And now they are together...

Nami, and the seven knights *Jin's Castle*-Where Jin, and followers of jin can

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2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she looked over at him "I'm not worried about that..." She smiled a little and looked forward "I'm worried about what the kingdom will say, when they find out..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis stood before her, unhooking his arm and placing them on her shoulders. "For all they know, that child belongs to your husband. And as far as I'm does."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him "You are very kind...But it is not in me to lie to my people, or my child, they all deserve to know the truth..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "Then let me do it..."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she blinked "Do what? Tell them the truth?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded to her.

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: "You would be willing to do that? Even if they all blamed you for this?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [What do you think of her child?]


Morganis nodded.

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: [O.o kinda scary...Looks like he's gonna eat my soul...]

Nami shook her head "I can't let you do that..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis shook his head. "It's something I must do, you may forgive me...but still I must do it."

[I think it befis the son of Jin.]

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: [okay, we can use that one, try and help me find another pic though, i was thinking of having her have twins, one a boy, the other a]

She sighed "Morganis, We will both tell them, they will know that you are not to be blamed..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "And allow me to help you...raise them, it would be an honor."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: <img:>

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: [...nah, i think i can find a better one...]

Nami raised a brow at him "Them...?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "Yes my queen, them,"

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: her eyes narrowed "What do you mean...Them?" She raised a brow "Do you mean...Twins?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded placing a hand upon her stomach, double checking as he closed his eyes. "Yes, I see twins, a boy and a girl."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she put her hands over her mouth "..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Children of Jin

Morganis sighed softly. "I'd be happy to be their nanny, whenever you need me."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: She looked down, and moved her hands from her mouth, then looked back at him "Not their nanny, just be someone they can look up to?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "You mean their father figure? That I can do."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "Like an uncle... I won't lie to them, they will know who their father is, and they will know everything about him, and they will understand why he will not ever be able to see them..." She sighed softly "I will not shelter them from the world..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and looked to her. "A father is not the man who spreds his seed, a father is the man who steps up to raise the child. And I do not expect you to shelter them from that bastard, but to place a kind and gentle nature upon them, instead of them being just like him."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly "...Alright..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled and held her close, making sure she knew the hug was merely a friendly gesture.

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she hugged him back briefly, before pulling away "Thank you Morganis..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis pullled back the same moment she did and nodded. "My pleasure, my queen."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled slightly, and began walking back towards the Inn

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis walked along her side, rubbing his arm, take note to the many many markings, tattoo like markings on his body, there were many many of them. But none were connected, they were like one single tattooo all to themself, but they looked as if they fit together.

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked forward, as she walked, she seemed to be thinking

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her. "What ya thinking about?"

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she didn't look back at him "What I'm going to do...As queen...and as a mother..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her. "As a Queen you do what you must, but as a treat them as they are your world."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a little, placing a hand on her stomach "They already are..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis smiled. "They shall be my main focus. As of now, you and your young, are my only concern."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: Nami stopped and looked at him, the inn was in veiw "How did someone as kind as you end up serving Jin?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked away. "I..I'd rather not talk about it."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned slightly "Why not?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked down. "I'm trapt, I cannot escape him, I live to serve him no more...but I can never escape his grasping bind upon me, I am...a slave..."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: "I don't understand what you mean..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked down. "I am"

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: "But you escaped..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked at her and looked down, tugging at the collar around his wrist. "Just becauase I escaped...does'nt mean I don't feel....traped."

2010-07-31 [Sonya Blue]: "Is there any way i can help?"

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to her and blinked. "He must die...."

2010-07-31 [DragonicTunes]: She smiled lightly from under her hood, "I'm here to offer my aid and support, M'lord. I myself have no support in this decision from my house or country, but as a fighter I hope I can be of some use to you." She reached a hand up and pulled the hood from over her head so Jin could see her face, "I am Laura Cortez, lady of Rabanastre. It's been a long time, you were but a child the last time we met..."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin rose a brow. "And, why should I t rust you now?"

2010-07-31 [DragonicTunes]: Laura bowed her head slightly, "I have no way to prove myself to you other than over time, if you'll give me a chance. I have my own reasons for wanting you to succeed."

2010-07-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin nodded. "Try anything, and I will kill you."

2010-07-31 [DragonicTunes]: "I don't doubt it." She slid down off from her horse.

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri stood close to her husband

2010-08-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin pushed his wife playfully.

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri giggled lightly

2010-08-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin smiled and held her close. "When are you going to give me a son?"

2010-08-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [OH OH OH, what do you think of their photos?]

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [whose?]

Miri smiled "soon enough"

2010-08-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Children of Jin

Jin grinned and led her away. "How close?"

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri smiled "close" she giggled

[Cute :D]

2010-08-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [*points* she has boobs on her profile!]

Jin smiled and kissed her neck. " already are pregnant?" he'd blink, semi confused.

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [o.O wha?]

Miri smiled "i am yes now please explain how nami's kids kinda look like you?" she leaned against him "yes news travels fast around here dear"

2010-08-01 [Sonya Blue]: [Nami hasn't had her kids yet!!!! lol]

2010-08-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [mai bad XD ignore said post then >_>]

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: Nami frowned slighlty, looking at him

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned at his wife and kissed her lips.

Morganis looked to her. "Everything okay?"

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "I just don't like the idea..."

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [What was the idea again? I can't remember!]

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: [he said that jin had to die...]

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [o0h right!]

Morganis looked down. "It's the only way I can ever be, or even feel free." he'd say rubbing the spiked collar on his wrist.

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: "Is there some other way?"

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "If he willingly frees me."

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed softly "Then, I will try and work on that..."

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis hugged her tight. "Thank you." he'd whisper, sniffling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded slightly, and patted his back "Your welcome..."

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis leaned back and smiled. "You're to good to me my Queen."

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: she stepped back and looked at him "...I only want to help..."

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "As I wish to help you raise the young ones."

[If you wish for a time skip as soon as they return home, just say yes!]

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: [eh, not, not too far of a time skip, i maybe towards the end of her pregnancy, like to where she is like 7 or 8]

She smiled slightly, heading back to the inn

2010-08-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [We won't be able to rp them till 3 years old!]

Morganis followed.

2010-08-02 [Sonya Blue]: [I know, but i gots an idea, but cant do it if they are already]

She walked inside

2010-08-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri smiled kissing back

2010-08-02 [DragonicTunes]: A man watched Nami and Morganis quietly from a side road, thinking to himself, 'Thank goodness, she's unhurt, I'd best hurry and tell M'lord.'

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis followed inside.

Jin grinned and held her close.

2010-08-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri giggled "my jin"

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin nodded. "Your Jin."

2010-08-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri smiled leaning against him

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Arya was sitting inside, she looked to Nami when they walked in "We should get going soon..."

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded. "I agreed."

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked to her and nodded "Alright"

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis nodded and began to pack his things.

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Arya and Nami walked outside

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis had his things and walked out.

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: [you ready for the time skip thingy now?"]

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Sure!]

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]:

6 months later

Nami was resting against a tree

Arya was only standing a few feet away from her

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis sat beside her, resting. "I've much fun here, I wish to thank you for showing me what...freedom is."

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked to him and nodded "Your welcome..." She looked to Arya "Any idea when we will make it back?"

Arya yawned "Well if things keep going the way they are, another month, maybe two, if we can stay out of Jin's radar, we could make it back in just a couple of weeks..."

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis looked to them and looked down. "I...can get us there faster."

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked to him

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis passed out from a blow to the head as Jin struck him and then preeded to launch a ball of fire at Arya, to knock her out as well. IF all went as planned he grabbed Nami and poof, vanished in an erruption of flames.

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Arya jumped backwards, avoiding the fire and looking to Jin

Nami yelped "Morganis!?"

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin as gone...he did what needed to be done, having Nami in a prison cell this time, well a room with prison door that could only open when he commanded.

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: Nami glared at Jin "Who do you think you are?!"

Arya ran over to Morganis, and shook him "Hey!!!"

2010-08-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis awoke and looked around. "WHERE IS SHE?" he'd snarl, his tone deep..and very demonic, no single stitch of humanity left in it.

Jin cackled. "Father of your children." he'd murmur as he slammed the door closed.

2010-08-03 [Sonya Blue]: She growled, and flinched as he slammed the door

Arya stepped back "He took her!" She raised a brow at him "And you need to calm down, we wont save her if you are flipping out on me!"

2010-08-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri was reading in the library

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin stepped into the library. "I got her back."

Morganis nodded.

2010-08-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Miri nodded "oh yay"

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She took a step from the door "JIN! YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS UP HERE NOW!"

Arya sighed, rubbing her head "Alright, how do we get her back now?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin blinked and walked to Nami. "Fuck you want?" he snapped at her.

Morganis stood up and pulled out a few runic stones.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She glared at him "Release me! Now"

Arya frowned "What is that?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin cackled. "Not till my kids are born."

Morganis looked to her. "Summoning something."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned slightly "Excuse me? What makes you think I want you to have anything to do with these children?"

Arya blinked "What?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned. "You have those kids, they are the heir to the throne, then I won't need you anymore." he'd cackle.

Morganis looked to her. "You wantto get their quick, or spend another 6 months gettign there?"

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami narrowed her eyes at him "And how do you expect to take care of these kids without me, Huh?"

"I meant what are you summoning..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned. "My wife."

Morganis looked to her. "A portal, but I'll need you to take care of me, I've never summoend one, and I'll be very weak."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She glared at him "You and that Bitch will have nothing to do with these kids, they are mine, and as far as i'm concerned, you have no right to them!" She took a step towards the door "I will have you head for this Jin" She seemed a bit more violent than the last time she was here

Arya nodded "Alright..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned. "You'lll be weak once the children will born, you'll die soon."

Morganis began to drop the stones in a circle.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She blinked "What do you mean?"

Arya watched him

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned. "Again, once they'r born, I'm going to slit your throat myself, it'll take your friends more than a few montsh to get here, more like...6 months." he'd cackle

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: she shook her head, stepping back and looking away from him "You have no shame..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin smiled. "I'll let you live, under one condition."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back to him "What is that?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned and dropped the paper inside. "My wife asks, the children belongs to your dear husband, OH, and sign the kingdom over."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [don't do it! I has plan!]

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: [...okay...]

Nami frowned, taking the paper "If i sign this, you'll just kill all three of us..." She looked at him

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin grinned and wdalked off.

Morganis fell unconscious once the spell was complete, the portal....leading them to a small village, just ouside of tjhe kingdom, people who...hated Jin, but had no choice but to serve him.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked at the paper, and sighed

Arya lifted Morganis up, and walked them through the village

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Villagers looked to them and nodded. "Please..come stay here at inn." one villager said.

Jin grinned. He knew she'd sign...sooner or later.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: arya looked to the villager, nodding slightly

She looked around the room, then walked over towards a table and sat the paper down "..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin knew the laws, if no one was in charge of the kingdom, he could take control...he wondered why Nami didn't know of this, he could kill her and the children, and take over now, but he'd rather make her suffer.

The villager led her inside the inn to a more private room with it's own key.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya followed the villager

Nami looked around the room again, then back to the paper "It does not matter..." She signed it, then tucked it away inside her dress, looking down at the ground

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jin went to bed.

[:/ nu fair.]

The villalger handed her the key, it said..honeymoon suite on it. "Don't mind name, just for privacy."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She looked to the villager "Why are you helping us?"

Nami looked towards the window ~I cannot have these babies here...~

[XP who ever said Nami could be fair?]

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [No one!]

The villager looked to her. "I know who you are, you will help free the queen, we do not like Jin...but we serve to survive."

Morganis casta spell, secretly clutching a runic stone in his hand.
Two translucent arms wrappedaround Nami's waist from behind, she could actually feel as if someone was holding her, a chin resting to her shoulder. "My queen, thou shalt not have your children in this accrused place...I will make sure of that." a voice whispered into her ear.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami almost screamed, and nearly fell off the bed, but she recognized the voice and looked around "Morganis?"

Arya nodded "You will help us rescue her then?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The villager shook their head. "We are not fighters...we do'nt...know how."

Morganis smiled in his 'unconscious' state

The hands held her close, as if some force kept her from falling off the bed and possilbly killing the children. "Yes my queen, I'm sorry I cannot keep from saying this any longer...I love you with all my heart and what ever is left of my soul. I live for you, and I will die to see you and your"

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami sighed softly, closing her eyes, not responding

Arya nodded "There are ways you can help, without fighting..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The Villager nodded. "We help."

Morgans sighed softly and held her closer, in a more comforting manner than anything else. "We're close my queen, not too far from here, the village just outside, w're so close I can almost smell that wounderful shampoo."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami nodded, biting her lip Then you better hurry...

Arya smiled "Thank you...Could you tell me how to get into the castle from here?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The villager nodded. "Carting going tomorrow, cart full of hay."

Morganis remaiend there, holding her. SHe needed his comfort, he could tell.

[So whats' this plan you have!]

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya blinked "You want us to hide in a cart of hay?"

Nami stayed silent and still

[well right now, shes going into labor, but she's gonna try and keep Jin from finding out about it...since she knows Arya and Morganis are close now...]

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [w00t!]

Morgans rubbed her stomach, blushing slightly as his translucent cheek rested against hers.

The villager nodded. "Get in without being seen."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Morganis...You must tell Arya, I can't stay here much longer, They are coming...If Jin finds out, he'll kill all three of us...

Arya nodded "Alright, That will work..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis' false body leaend up and placed a short kiss on her cheek, making sure she could feel it, and the compassion it held and vanished.

The villager nodded.

Morganis sat up quickly. "Arya." he'd call for.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami kept her breathing slow, to keep from alerting anyone who might be outside her room

Arya looked to Morganis "What is it?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis stood up. "No time for tomorrow, we have to get her out's time."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya blinked "How do you know!?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis dropped the stone on the floor. "I was there, wit her...."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: "I'm not even gonna ask how..." She looked to the villager "How can you get us in now?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: THe villager blinked. "Um..we could go now?"

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "That would be nice..."

Nami was doing her best to stay calm

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis was the first beneath the hay.

The villager sat in the wagon.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya got underneath the hay

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The villager got them inside.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya got out of the hay once they were inside "Which way Morganis?"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis pulled his cloak over his head and walked off.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya frowned and followed him

Nami was still biting her lip

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis reached the door quickly, trying to open it. "AGh, I can't." h'ed whisper.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked to the door, but did not get up

Arya frowned "Why wont it open?!"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morgan looked at the seal and smiled, pulling out a vial of Jin's blood. "He had me use this for his potion...I still had some left." he'd say pouring it on and thedoor unlocked.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya pushed to door open, and ran over to Nami

Nami sighed when she saw Arya and Morganis "Oh thank god!"

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis rushed to her and took her hand leaning to his knees. "I'm here my queen."

Jin snoozed, unaware, the guards all passed out...drunk.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "Thats great! now lets go!"

Arya looked back towards the door "We should hurry..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morgan noddded and lifted Nami up into his arms and walked out. "I told you I'd save you..." he'd blush.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slightly, staying silent.

Arya followed them, she had drawn her sword and looked around cautiously

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Morganis grunted as he took her to the wagaon, placing her inside and getting up with her. "Arya, stay up front with the villager."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Arya nodded, going up front

Nami winced when he sat her down

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: The villager began to ride off, everyting was safe, completgely and utterly safe.

Morganis smiled at her, kissing her forehead. "THank god you didn't sign..."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Nami was doing her best to stay calm "I signed, but I didn't give it to him...I still have it..."

2010-08-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Malganis held out his hand. "GIve it to me."

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She looked at him, and took the paper out, handing it to him "He threatened to take them...And kill me...If i didn't sign."

Arya looked to the villager "you never gave me your name..."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna rode up to the wagaon."I got word that something bad happen." She wasn't going to tell them how she knew something bad happen, she just senced it. Lissianna wasn't what she seemed to be."She got off her horse and got into the wagaon."Oh my your in labor aren't you, Nami?" She asked but she knew the answer to that all ready because she had delivered enough babies to know.

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: Nami just nodded

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna nodded and she helped Nami lay on the floor of the wagaon

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: she winced, leaning back

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Your'll be fine." She smiled at Nami."Now I just need to pull your dress up and see what I'm dealing with, okay?"

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: she just nodded

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna pulled up Nami's dress and she spread her legs, she looked at look at her 'private part' then she checked how many cm's she was."Okay your about 8 cms, you have two more to go."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded again, taking a deep breath "I was under the impression that child birth was really painful?"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yes normaly it is but your children are coming out fast, so yeah it won't hurt as much."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: "is it normal not to feel anything at all?"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Well not really." lissianna frowned."You feel no pain at all? Tell me what you do feel."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She shrugged "I just feel warm, like I'm being shielded from the pain or something...At first I was in pain, then the pain went away..."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna frowned a little."I see. Well just keep your breathing even."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I will..."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Good. When you feel like you need to push then push."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded, breathing slowly

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Good, your doing good, Nami."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: After a while, she began pushing

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Your doing very good, Nami, just keep pushing."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: Nami kept pushing

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Okay the first baby is crowning." [is the boy or girl going to be first?]

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: [doesn't] Nami kept pushing

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: [okay lolz XD}

Lissianna grabed a towel and pulled the baby...girl out of Nami and ahd wrapped her up after cutting the cord."It's a girl."

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled, looking to Lissianna and the baby girl

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna handed the baby girl to Morganis then she looked at Nami."Ready for baby number two?"

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: She took a deep breath and started pushing again

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna pulled the baby boy out after a while."it's a boy." She said after she cut the cord and she wrapped the baby boy in a towel, she handed the baby boy to Nami with a smile.

2010-08-05 [Sonya Blue]: Nami looked down at the baby boy and smiled

2010-08-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lissianna smiled softly."There beauitful, Nami."

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